Black On Campus
Higher Education and the African American Experience

The Quotable Black Scholar: Cornel West on Vocation and Truth

November 4th, 2009 by Ajuan Mance


Princeton University Professor Cornell West



Just like the musicians, I’ve got a unique voice. I’m constantly searching for truth. I don’t restrict myself to traditional boundaries. There’s a difference between a vocation and a profession. One’s a calling, the other’s a career. I have a calling. When you have your calling you have to be true to yourself and true to the God that called you. My calling is to try and tell the truth.

— Dr. Cornel West, in an interview in publish in Inside Jersery


Biographical Notes: Cornel West is the Class of 1943 University Professor of African American Studies and Religion, at Princeton University. A magna cum laude graduate of Harvard University (he completed his degree in only three years), West went on to complete his Ph.D. at Princeton.

West is the author of a number of books and articles, including the following:

Posted by Ajuan Mance

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