Black On Campus
Higher Education and the African American Experience

The Return of Black on Campus

May 19th, 2011 by Ajuan Mance


Richard Theodore Greener, Dean of the Howard University School of Law, and the first African American to graduate from Harvard College (Class of 1970).

(Source: The Latimer-Norman Family Collection at Rutgers University)

Dear Readers and Subscribers,

I am happy to say that, after a long hiatus, Black on Campus will once again be featuring regular posts.

I truly enjoy the exchange with my readers around issues related to the African American experience in higher education, and I have missed you all during this period.

I am pleased to say that Black on Campus will continue to address key issues, figures, moments, and events that have shaped and continue to shape the educational experiences of people of African descent in the U.S. and abroad.

In addition, the blog will also serve as a showcase for the more than 500 images, books and emphemera that document the diverse experiences of U.S. Black students, faculty, alumni, and staff. Your humble and faithful blogger has amassed this collection over the past 10 years, and I am very excited about this opportunity to share the documentary history of Black education in the United States.

Many thanks to all of you during my time away. I am happy to be back at my keyboard, and I hope you continue to enjoy the articles and images that appear on this site.

All the best,

Ajuan Mance

Posted in Uncategorized

One Response

  1. Kay

    Yea! Glad you’re back.