Black On Campus
Higher Education and the African American Experience

Many Thanks to Sojourner’s Place… and Passing It On!

August 20th, 2008 by Ajuan Mance

Sincerest thanks to SjP at Sojourner’s Place for recognizing Black on Campus with the Brilliant Weblog Award. This blog is a labor of love for me, and I am humbled that such an outstanding blogger has found  this site worthy of mention.

I encourage you to drop by Sojourner’s Place, and make it a regular stop on your blog itinerary. Once again, my deepest thanks to SjP. I am honored just to be on your radar. I am humbled by your praise.

As a recipient of this award, I am aksed to nominate at least 7 brilliant blogs. In all honestly, I could probably name ten times that many, but that will be a task for another day. In today’s post I recognize 7 of the most outstanding blogs I’ve enocuntered. In turn, awardees, are encouraged to:

1. Add the logo of the award to your blog

2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you

3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs

4. Add links to those blogs on your blog

5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs

The Brilliant Blogs I am nominating for this award are:

1. Stuff Black People Hate: The blogger on this site states that the Stuff Black People Hate will end on August 31st of this year. Check it out before it’s over! The irreverent and quirky perspectives expressed by blogger Chris will inspire, irritate, and enrage you, sometimes all at once; but you’ll never be bored by his passion, wit, and candor. Warning: Language is R-rated. To get a sense where this blogger is coming from, read his F.A.Q.

2. JMCCLURE2’s BLOG: Less than a year old, this blog seems to focus on African American men who are making a difference in the lives of Black youth. I would love to see this blog get more attention, because it documents a phenomenon who few seem to recognize — that there are scores of Black men and women involved in meaningful projects designed to improve the fortunes of our boys and girls.

3. What About Our Daughters: Will anyone speak up for Black women and girls? This blog answers that question with a resounding “yes!” What About Our Daughters brings up-to-the minute news, well-informed commentary, and bold advocacy to the blogosphere. Black women and girls are the focus, but the issues that aaddressed on this site effect us all.

4. Africa Is a Country: I believe that South Africa is to the world what California is to the United States; it provides a glimpse of the future of inter-group relations. What happens in South Africa may well signal what will happen in other similar nations (in which Europeans hold positions of power denied or inaccessible to less affluent people of color). What happens there should matter to all of us. Africa is a Country provides brilliant insights and wry commentary commentary on the western media’s engagement with South Africa and other nations on the African continent.

5. WOC PhD: WOC PhD presents honest, accountable, intelligent and sometimes raw reporting and commentary, from a feminist-of-color perspective. For no-frills intellect and down-to-earth insights on politics and culture, WOC PhD is a must-read.

6. Sisterdoc: If ever there was a blog that could ward off apathy and inspire political engagement, it’s Sisterdoc. This blog offers hard-hitting commentary on both mainstream and underreported news stories race and identity in the U.S. and beyond.

7. Sojourner’s Place: Personal, political, relevant, and responsible, this is a blog that does it right. Every time I visit I learn something new — about blogging, about current events, and about issues and ideas that impact our lives and our world.

To all awardees, heartfelt congratulations, and many thanks for your outstanding controbutions to the blogosphere.

Posted by Ajuan Mance

Posted in African Americans, Black Bloggers, Black Blogs, Brilliant Blogger Award, Higher Education, race, Sojourner's Place, Uncategorized

2 Responses

  1. prof bw

    thank you. what a kind description of my blog, altho “raw” did give me a little pause as I thought “what have I written lately that needed a little more editing?”

  2. Ajuan Mance

    In this context I meant “raw” as in unadorned and hard (and insightful) truths, which is — in my estimation — a very good thing. Thanks for visiting my blog.