Black On Campus
Higher Education and the African American Experience

Wordless Wednesday: Picturing the Generation Gap, in 1922

November 12th, 2008 by Ajuan Mance

(Source: Methodist Adventures in Higher Education by Jay Stowell, 1922)

Posted in African Americans, Black History, Higher Education

7 Responses

  1. Villager

    Happy WW! Good reminder that some things never change. The older generation never understands the music or the clothing styles of the younger generation. I know my parents never quite understood my long Afro and bell-bottom pants (smile)…

    Thank you for visiting my blog earlier today. I invite your blog readers to see 5 Obama Hair Don’ts!

    peace, Villager

  2. Esquire

    Definitely like that photo. Like Villager commented, some things never change.

  3. clnmike

    Great choices, a little obvious when compared to the time line.

  4. SjP

    Oh my! What would they say today?

  5. sHaE-sHaE

    @SJP: I would think if they had the mentality of yesterday, they’d either be very afraid that Barack won, or they would think he weren’t capable of running the country at all. Back then many people believed the lies that were forced upon them.

  6. Keith

    These are some really cool shots. They remind me a lot of some of old photos from my own family. And I imagine I’m not the only one who feels that connection.
    This is greatr. Thanks and Happy WW!

  7. DNLee

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    Thank You very much and have a great day.