Black On Campus
Higher Education and the African American Experience

The Earthquake in Haiti: How You Can Help

January 14th, 2010 by Ajuan Mance



Time is of the essence in any crisis, and especially one in which reaching trapped men, women, and children as soon as possible can mean many lives saved.

Many thanks to those bloggers who have posted information on how and where to donate money to the relief and rescue effort, especially Villager at Electronic Village and Clnmike at The Happy Go Lucky Bachelor.

Please do all that you can, and as quickly as you are able.

Follow THIS LINK to the Electronic Village blogpost on how we can help with the Haiti earthquake relief and rescue effort. You will find tips for deciding how to best apply your resources as well as helpful links to reputable aid agencies that are accepting donations.

For all of those who have family and friends in Haiti, please know that you and your loved ones are in my thoughts and prayers.

For all of us who are impacted more indirectly, let us manifest our grief and compassion in direct and palpable ways. This is one clear instance in which the actions of an individual can truly make a difference.

Posted by Ajuan Mance

Posted in Uncategorized

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