Black On Campus
Higher Education and the African American Experience

Many Thanks: Brilliante Blogger Award

October 24th, 2008 by Ajuan Mance

Many humble thanks to The Villager at Electronic Village and Clnmike at The Happy Go Lucky Bachelor for recognizing Black on Campus with the Brilliante Blooger Award. These veteran bloggers have distinguished themselves as fresh, informative voices in the blogging world, and I am honored to be on their radar.

The Brilliante Blogger Award comes with some responsibilities. The Rules are as follows:

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
2. The winner must link to the person from whom they received their award.
3. The winner must nominate at least 7 other blogs for the award.
4. The winner must place links to those blogs on their own blog.
5. The winner must leave a message on the blogs of the people they’ve nominated.

And now, let me share the love. These are some of the most compelling, surprising, original, and fresh blogs I have encountered in the last few months. I hope you’ll check them out, drop in regularly, or even subscribe. Congratulations to all of the following bloggers. Keep doing what you’re doing. Your work is an inspiration:

  1. Dr. Boyce Watkins: The People’s Scholar — From political commentary to financial advice, this Syracuse University business professor speaks with candor and insight.
  2. New Black Man — Mark Anthony Neal builds on the Black feminist frameworks that have shaped his published writings on questions of identity, media, and representation.
  3. Culture Kitchen — A left-leaning political blog spearheaded by Liza Sabater. The blog describes itself as socially libertarian and politically progressive.
  4. Angry Asian Man — Politics and culture from one Asian American man’s perspective. Read this blog for its treatment of ethnic news stories that the mainstream media has left behind. The voice is smart, sharp, and true.
  5. Chocolate City — This blog describes itself as, “a real African American, socio-economic blog.” It’s content is passionate, irreverent, and up-to-the-minute.
  6. Can’t Stop Won’t Stop — Political and cultural commentary from author and editor Jeff Chang (a founding editor of Colorlines). This blog is always worth the trip.
  7. The Last Nerve — Passionate politics, informed opinion, and heartfelt sincerity.
  8. — Hip hop news and political commentary come together on this fun and intelligent blog.
  9. Nuvision for a Nuday — Intelligent commentary and fresh perspectives from the creative mind of an African American woman who happens to be blind.
  10. Elle, Phd. — Thoughtful, wise, candid, and provocative posts from a Black woman professor of history.
  11. Shae-Shae’s Blog — Pop culture, politics, personal anecdotes and plenty of personality, with some cool graphics, too.

Posted by Ajuan Mance

Posted in Black Bloggers, Black Blogs, race, Uncategorized

10 Responses

  1. SjP

    Congrats! Congrats! You know I think your blog is brilliant so this award is very fitting! Congrats again!

  2. tee

    Again what a blessing to not only get to read your blog, but have amazing conversations that help shape the questions I asks myself. You GO RockStar
    hugs, Tee

  3. Clnmike


  4. sHaE-sHaE

    How very cool! Thanks so much for the nod. 🙂

  5. Ajuan Mance

    Thank you all. It’s wonderful to get the support of my fellow bloggers.

    sHaE-sHaE, you’re very welcome. Your blog is one of my favorites!

  6. SerenityLife

    I am so thankful for twitter because I would not have known about your blog although I am in the electronic village with you. I appreciate your blog tremendously. Thank you for ALL you do!

  7. Ajuan Mance

    Many thanks for stopping in. I’m glad you enjoyed my blog, and I’ll be sure to check you out via Electronic Village.

  8. Angie Braden

    Wow!!! Thanks so much for the award. I had no idea. Otherwise, I would’ve been over here sooner to thank you. Honestly, I came over here to read your outstanding blog, and then I ran across this entry. I’m both stunned and honored. Again, Thank you.

    Angie over a Nuvision for a Nuday

  9. Ajuan Mance

    Angie, it was my pleasure! I love what do at Nuvision for a Nuday. So glad you are part of the blogosphere.

  10. Charles

    It is always appreciative when a GREAT ONE (website) makes reference to a little one.
